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IC Project Help

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How to add a new event to the calendar?

You have two options to choose from:

1.Click the selected calendar day with the left mouse button and pick what you want to add: event, task, leave (absence) application.

2. Click the blue button  lor retract it by means of , to add a task or absence.

Creating a new event

To create a new event in ICP, complete the pop-up window. Enter the following:

  • event name,
  • category (Note! The category is defined in the system settings Calendar / Absences > Event type), e.g. a conference hall, meeting, business car,
  • option “private event”. You can decide if the created event will be a private event. Your co-workers will see the added event, but marked as a private event,
  • start <> end date,
  • location,
  • contractor – if you determine the contractor in the calendar, you event will be saved also in the special calendar in the CRM module and will be assigned to the specific contractor,
  • description,
  • participants (event participants). When you add a user, you can check the “decision-making” option. If this option is enabled, the given person can edit the event created by you.