Category: Reports

IC Project lets you save generated reports easily in the special tab Saved reports.  You can save the following reports: Financial report Project report Absence

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The Absence report broken down into days is a specification of days and users who were absent on the given day generated in IC Project.

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The Absence report broken down into users is a specification of users and days of their absence generated in IC Project.  To generate a report,

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The user time report generated in IC Project is a specification of reported user worktimes broken down into projects, stages, boards and tasks. To generate

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The project time report generated in IC Project is a specification of reported worktimes in projects broken down into stages, boards, tasks and users. To

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The project report generated in IC Project provides detailed information regarding project status, current situation in the projects, tasks, resources, deadline and worktimes. To generate

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The financial report generated in IC Project is a specification of costs and revenues in the selected period of time, on a monthly basis. To

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IC Project is an ideal tool to monitor and control many processes in your company. Thanks to the proposed mechanism, you can generate any report

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