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How to add a new cost?

IC Project lets you easily monitor the costs of developed projects. Obviously, costs added to the given project affect its financial result. Nevertheless, it is you who decides if the added revenues are to be accounted for in the project or maybe you just want to monitor the revenues of you company. 

Costs can be added in IC Project in two places. Directly in the selected project (they affect the financial result of the project) and from the Finance menu level (here, you decide if it is to be “attached” to the project or not).

Now, let’s discuss adding costs from the level of the Finance menu.

Go to the Finance menu > Costs. Here, you will see all costs added to ICP.

To add a new cost, click  and complete data. If you select   a window will appeal and you can account for that cost in the selected project, stage, task board. You can also mark a cost as settled and/or booked. All you need to do is click