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IC Project Help

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Invoices (general view)

When you go to the Finance section from the left menu, you get the general view of invoices.


Here, you can see all invoices issued in IC Project. From this level, you can use the advanced invoice search, sorting and export options.

Advanced invoice search

Look at the screen below. In red, we have marked the section by means of which you can search for, soft and export data.

Using the field   you can search for invoices by entering the invoice number, name of the goods / service as well as the contractor for whom the invoice was issued.

Click  to call up a side window you can use to freely search for invoices using various filters.


Sorting the invoice view

Use    to sort the displayed data. Click this field. You can sort invoices using the following criteria:


On the other hand, click  to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Exporting the invoices

IC Project offers easy reporting of displayed invoices to the following formats: pdf, xlsx, csv. You can export all invoices or currently displayed invoices from the level of your browser.