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Adding project categories

When you create a new project in IC Project, you can mark it with any category. We recommend using this option.

Project categorisation lets you search for projects by categories later. This way, we can manage our project portfolio

This way, you can display your project portfolio based on selected categories in seconds.


How to add a category to the project?

Project category can be added during creation of a new project or – if the project already exists and has not been marked with a category yet – it can be added by means of project editing. To do this click and select edit.

In the left Projects menu, click drop down the window by means of and complete the fields until you reach the Category section.

If you are adding the project category in field marked in red for the first time, enter the category name and press . It will be saved in the IC Project system settings. 

In the future, you will be able to select categories of new projects from the list of saved categories.

All saved project categories can be found in the section
Settings > Projects > Project categories.