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IC Project Help

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Projects – basic information

Going to Projects, in the left menu you can access all your projects in development. If you are here for the first time, create your first project.

Information on the project

Now, let’s analyse the information on the project we receive in a single tile. Let’s use the exemplary project “How to use Kanban boards?”

Based on the above example, we receive the following information:

Project name: How to use Kanban boards?
Contractor: ICP
Project timeframe: 28.04.2022 – 31.08.2022
Progress: 42 %
Number of tasks in the project: 19/45 (45 tasks in total, including 19 completed = progress of 42%)
Project category (defined in the system settings): Internal project
Reported time / Planned time: 43h 44m / 19h
Project resources: people participating in the project. Click the field +10 – it can be dropped down.
Project status : Open project. You can also change the project status: suspended , and closed , as shown by the relevant icons.
Additional options : this icon gives you access to the following options:

  • preview – allows us to enter the given project
  • edit – we can edit all information on the project
  • talk about this project – all you need to create a conversation with all people participating in the project is a single click
  • project automations – thanks to automations, we create automatic actions based on the Action > Reaction relation. For more information, see the section on automation
  • save as a template – we can save the entire project structure according to the set criteria. For more information, see the section on creating templates.