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IC Project Help

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Projects – Files

Project documents or files / attachments to tasks are another very important topic in project management.

In IC Project, files available from the level of the Files tab in the given project are by default categorised into:

  • Project documents (available for the PM and administrators)
  • Tasks and comments (available for the people assigned to the given task board)

In other words, file categories are folders where files are kept.

We can easily manage the categories of files by:

  • Creating new categories (folders)
  • Adjusting visibility of folders for the users
  • Sharing them with selected users

Addition of files is intuitive. You can choose from:

  • Importing a file from the local drive to the IC Project server
  • Integrations with external drives (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive)
  • Linking to own external servers
  • Real-time screen capture
  • Uploading a file from the camera of your device
  • Recording a voice message

File management in IC Project is easy and safe. You will always have your files at hand.