All costs (so-called realised costs) and revenues (so-called realised revenues) added to the project or invoices issued to the given contractor and assigned to a specific spot in the project affect the financial result of the project.
How to add a realised (external) cost?
External costs, are costs incurred in the developed project, e.g. service costs, purchase of materials, internal costs, etc.
Go to the selected project and then to the Finance tab. External costs can be added in two ways. Click or the Costs tab.
You can use icon
. This will cause recognition of the cost added to the project in a specific place – in the project, selected stage or task board.
Click at the height of the table Sales funnel – Office requirements to add a service cost amounting to PLN 500.
We enter the name, amount, date and choose the cost category. Such fields as PROJECT, STAGE, BOARD will be completed automatically. Click . Done.
The realised (external) cost has been added. As you can see, the financial result has been changed as well.
Another way to add a cost is using the Costs tab on the left side of the financial structure of the project. The only difference is that you have to set the project STAGE and/or BOARD where the given cost will be accounted for manually.
How to add realised revenue
The realised revenues in IC Project comprise revenues added manually in the selected project or revenues originating from the invoices issued in our system and accounted for in the given project, stage or task board.
To add realised revenue, we can use . This will cause recognition of the revenue added to the project in a specific place – in the project, selected stage or task board.
Click at the height of the table Sales funnel – Office requirements to add revenue on sales amounting to PLN 10 000.
We enter the name, amount, date and choose the revenue category. Such fields as PROJECT, STAGE, BOARD will be completed automatically. Click . Done.
The revenue has been added. As you can see, the financial result has been changed again as well.
Another way to add a revenue is using the Revenues tab on the left side of the financial structure of the project. The only difference is that you have to set the project STAGE and/or BOARD where the given revenue will be accounted for manually.
How to add realised revenue based on an issued invoice?
You can issue invoices in IC Project in three places:
- Invoices in the CRM
- Invoices from the level of the left Finance menu
- Invoices from the level of the selected project
In this section, we will explain the invoice issuing process from the project level.
Go to the selected project and to the Finance tab. From the level of the financial structure of the project, select the Invoices tab you can see to the left (marked in the image below).
We issue the sale invoice for the amount of PLN 15 000
Click and select the VAT invoice.
The fields invoice number and seller will be populated automatically.
Click at the buyer. Select a contractor from the drop-down list. In our case – BrandAssist. All fields will be populated automatically. Click
We enter the Goods / Service: Task 123.
Place of issue: Londyn.
Important! The invoice issued from the level of the selected process will be automatically accounted for in the selected project. But we can assign it to the selected stage or even task board.
In our example, we specify a stage and board and click .
The invoice has been issued. Moreover, it has been accounted for in the project as realised revenue.