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How to analyse the financial result for the specific part of your project?

Go to the finance tab in the selected project. Look at the exemplary image below.

All values added in the columns: estimated cost, realised cost, planned revenue, realised revenue will be summed “up” by the system.

We marked an exemplary task group in red – OFFICE REQUIREMENTS. Different types of financial values have been assigned to it – some estimated and some realised. The sum of individual values from the task groups can be seen at the stage – ORGANIZATION OF WORK – marked in green. 

Further, all values of individual stages will be summed up and accounted for at the top and bottom of the financial structure marked in blue. 

In short, the project finance can be summarised in the following manner:

1.All values of task groups of the selected stage are summed up and accounted for at the name of that stage. 

2.  Individual project stages are summarised and accounted for at the top and bottom of the financial structure of the project.