Category: Employees

Adjust the view to your preferences When in the Employees menu, you can find additional options to use. Look at the screen below. We marked

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Change or removal of the user’s profile photo is similar to photo addition. Go to the Employees tab and click the name of the chosen

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Go to the Employees tab and click the name of the chosen user, select or at the chosen employee and click edit. You will see

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Go to the Employees tab and click  at the chosen employee and select delete. Confirm your decision with the button. The selected employee will be

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Go to the Employees tab and click at the chosen employee and select edit.  Make the changes editing the selected fields and click . The

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Go to the Employees tab on the left side of the menu. Click , then press  and complete the fields. Assigning an employee requires an

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The employees module accessible from the left menu is, to put it simply, a base of all employees. Here, you can add employees to IC

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