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IC Project Help

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How to add a new employee?

Go to the Employees tab on the left side of the menu. Click , then press  and complete the fields.

Assigning an employee requires an e-mail address. The user will receive a message informing that he/she has been added to the IC Project system to that e-mail.

In the hourly rate field, you can set the default rate for the user. When the employee is assigned to the project, the system will automatically assign his/her hourly rate. Remember, however, that the hourly rate can be changed individually for the selected user at the level of every project. This way, the employee can work on different projects for different rates.

If you are completing the department name for the first time, click that field and then, in the field

 enter the department name and click the add button. Do the same with the Position field.

Authorisations to log in are enabled by default when a new employee is added. You can disable this option with a special switch, though.

Specify also the roles (authorisations) in which the user will work.


If you have not configured roles (authorisations) in the settings of the IC Project system, read the article. Configuration and management of user roles