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Projects – Automations

In IC Project, you can create automations in the project of your choice.

Automations can be created by:

  • Project Manager of the given project
  • Person authorised to manage projects
  • System administrator

What are the automations?

Automations enable creation of conditions satisfaction of which results in performance of a specific action.

In IC Project, an ACTION creates REACTION.

Possible automations:

  • End date approaching
    •  Here, we specify the time until the end date
  • Progress made
    • Here, we specify the progress level in %
  • Failure to reach progress before the end date
    •  Here, we specify the progress level in % and the time to the end date
  • Failure to reach progress before the specified date
    • Here, we specify the progress level in %

How to create automations in the project?

Go to the selected project and to the Automations tab.


A window will be displayed where you can create an automation.

Select the ACTION.

Enter the automation name.

Select an action from the drop-down list, e.g. failure to reach progress before the specified date.

Determine the access level, e.g. 50%, and specify the date, e.g. 02.02.2022 15:00

Select the REACTION.

Send an e-mail to specific persons.

In the user field, select people to whom the e-mail is to be sent. Enter also the message content. Then, click .

The created automation will be saved in the automation list.

You can manage the automations in the automation list. You can enable/disable or remove them.