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Worktime reporting

How to report worktime in IC Project?

With IC Project, you can report worktime easily and quickly. You can do it in several ways, in several places. Check how to do it. 

1. Directly in the task

It is one of the most popular reporting methods. 

Go to the selected task and to the Worktime tab. If nobody has reported worktime for the task yet, you will receive the exemplary view, as below.

Now, press Report time. Then, complete the dialogue window, specifying the reporting date, its length in hours and minutes, determine the type: paid, unpaid, payable and provide a description, if applicable. After you complete all data, click Save.

Done. Worktime has just been reported.

2. Using the time tracker

It’s another way to report worktime. Click  in the top bar of your browser.

Now, drop down the field Select task and pick the task for which you want to report worktime or enter the name of the task searched for in this field. (A tip! After the window with tasks is dropped down, the system will display last tasks for which time was reported in a chronological order. The condition is that the task must have the status: To do and In progress). After you select the task, the time tracker will appear.


To start reporting, we click  , to pause, we click and to stop = report, we click  

We can also minimise the time tracker clicking.

The time tracker will continue to measure time until it is stopped manually.

After the time tracker is stopped, worktime will be saved in the selected task. Additionally, time reported by means of the time tracker will be marked with



3. Collective reporting

Go to the Worktime tab in the left menu.

In this view, you can report worktime for the selected week. Use the symbolto select the task and day to report. After you make your choice, a dialogue window, as shown below, will appear.

For the selected day, specify the time you wish to report in hours / minutes as well as its type or description and press the blue button Add worktime. That’s it! Time has been recorded.

4. Reporting in a project

The last method to report worktime is reporting directly in the selected project. Go to any project and go to the worktime tab.

Analogously to collective reporting by means of  select the task and day for which you want to save worktime. Complete the dialogue window and click the blue button Add worktime.